Tru Dat

I'm not hip, although every once in a while a word from the Urban Dictionary comes out of my mouth and I'm proud that I recalled it from somewhere, and used the word correctly.

Neil at Citizen of the Month posted about slang today after needing to google a few words contained in some comments he received on a prior post.  The seven of you who read my blog (see note) most likely have already read Neil's post, so this is a "department of redundancy department" post on my part.

NOTE:  I used to say I had three readers, but I feel confident upping that number to seven.  Although, my family is no longer a part of that total.  My Dad doesn't "believe in blogs".  He says he doesn't like it when people express private emotions publicly, and politely told me he wouldn't be reading my blog, but it was "nice" that I had one.  Mother's busy.  She plays bridge, shops, and takes stuff back.  She checks a post once every couple of months.  My brother Mallory Joe loses addresses and phone numbers.  I think he's still looking for the link I've sent him a few dozen times.  I'm pretty sure I annoy the rest of my family.  It's okay.  Really.

Neil references an article in his mother's AARP magazine that lists 50 words kids are using these days.  He challenges his readers' knowledge of these words.  It's entertaining, and I was only familiar with a handful.  I'm 42.

Made me think of a few overused words and phrases that I've used in an effort to be hip, and I see on many other blogs.

  • hawt - let's just all go back to typing "hot".

  • whatevah - again, "whatever" conveys it just fine.

  • I'm just sayin' - TMZ's been using this for years, not that I go to that site...

  • ahem -This is a nice word.  We're all using it too frequently.

  • dude - on occasion this works, but there's a new breed of young women who pepper their posts with "Dude!".

  • Dooce-ease - Some may disagree with me, but I think Dooce is a good writer and I believe she's tapped into the psyche of many which is why she's so popular.  She has an identifiable writing style that I see imitated frequently when I blog surf.  Dooce's style sometimes gets old on her site, so to see so many others use phrases like, "..and then I was all...", " and he was all...", or "Dude...".  She's a female "dude" user that can get away with it.  Usually.  The rest of us need to think twice before throwing in a "dude" in an effort to be hip.

  • Gawd  - God works.  We don't need to spell it incorrectly in an effort to avoid saying His name in vain.  He'll still love us.

  • heh-heh or huh-huh or Beavis & Butthead laugh - Yawn.  I thought it was funny the first time I used it in a post too.  I'm so clever... duh.

I think I'll quit before I alienate all seven of you.  Remember.  I stand before you, guilty of using all overused hip-terms and imitating other bloggers.

Check out Neil's post.  He links to the AARP article, but you can also click here to read it.

Peace out.1

1From the Urban Dictionary:  1. A slang term telling someone good-bye, used with a hand gesture in
which you pound your chest with your fist twice, then give the peace