He's Home

With his two younger brothers in tow, I made the 90-minute trip—in closer to 60—and retrieved Oldest Boy from diabetes camp today. He was hanging out by the swings with his cabin mates when we arrived. As soon as he saw us approaching across the field his arm shot up in the air and he waved unabashedly at us.

Toddler Child reached him first...


Oldest Boy had a blast. He shared stories of exciting and good things that happened at camp and a few stories that made my heart ache for him...but mostly good things.

When we arrived home, he was greeted by Mary, the dog, and Wren, the crazy parakeet, with the truest dog and bird love I've ever seen. Because he's a boy after my own heart, he wanted a shower immediately after hugging and kissing the pets. He took a long shower while Middle Boy sat outside the shower door listening to more stories, peppered with jokes, riddles and silly songs. I could hear the laughter echoing in the bathroom, spilling down the stairs and over the balcony while I prepared dinner in the kitchen.  

After a show and tell session where Oldest Boy showed us all the various crafts, trinkets and treasures made and found at camp, we had dinner...a meal a little more special than usual to make Oldest Boy's homecoming as warm as possible.

The kitchen is clean, as are the three Ross boys. They're in their pajamas in Oldest Boy's room, and he's still holding court. I think I'll go join his admirers..