She's a Handsome Woman

[While this song was playing, Toddler Child stood in front of the computer smiling and said, "Wok and woll. I like wok and woll."  I chose the Muppet version for him.]

I saw my nasal surgeon today.  It's been six months since my "nasal surgery NOT a nose job".  As a result of the surgery I can breathe great, and I'm generally happy with the aesthetic improvement, although I wish it wasn't quite so subtle.  I've heard when girls buy new boobs they often wish they'd gone bigger.  I'm having that feeling about my nose.  I was so afraid of not looking like me that I cautioned the surgeon multiple times to be conservative during the aesthetic part of the surgery.  Now I wish my nose was a little more refined.  I should have gone *BIGGER*.

My nose after steroid injections.

Because my surgery was complicated, I'm still swollen.  I know I need to wait a full year post-op, which will be May 2009, for all swelling and tenderness to subside.  Today the doctor injected steroids into the sides of my nose directly above the nostrils to help resolve the swelling.  YES, it hurt, but it was quick.

I had Toddler Child with me.  I wasn't expecting to get shots in my nose.  I was concerned I might make disturbing noises and scare him.  I DID make noises and tears shot out of my eyes, reflexively, not boo-hooey.

Toddler Child asked, "The doctor make you feel better?"  I told him yes and that I was fine.

My nose after steroid injections.

The nurse came in and cleaned the pen marks off my nose.  I expected the steroids to resolve the swelling immediately - like right then - but it takes about six weeks.  When I looked in the mirror, I was disappointed to see I had even more swelling where I'd been injected.  The nurse assured me it didn't look that bad and would be gone by the end of the day.

Toddler Child studied my face as I carried him out of the office.

He said, "You looooook handsome."

NOTE:  We have pictures of my nose immediately after the surgery and after each follow-up appointment.  Chris usually takes the photos, but he's in Denver today.  I don't know how people take all those artsy self-portraits.  You should see the 75 other shots I took to get these two lame ones so you could see my nose.  I took some close-ups, but I'm too vain to post those.