Just a few more...

I've been tagged by two people for the same meme.  Tristan, who blogs but you can't go to her site because it's not for the puh-blic, tagged me, and so did Mrs. Maxwell.  It's a "7 Random Things" tag so I'll make it short.  I was tagged with a similar meme in August that you can read here if you're interested.

1.  I HATE scary movies.

2.  I've never brined a turkey, but I'm giving it a try this Thanksgiving.

3.  Chris (my husband) and I have the same initials and similar names.  He's Christopher Alan Ross, and I'm Christina Ann Ross.  When we were married and received our first set of checks with our full names on the top, I was concerned people might think I/he/we were a transsexual in the process of gender reassignment surgery.  [Chris was disturbed that I could think of such a thing.]

4.  I carry packets of Taco Bell Mild Sauce in my purse so I can occasionally rip them open with my teeth and swallow a squirt while driving.  I love Taco Bell Mild Sauce.

5.  Mary (our dog) escaped yesterday and was gone for an hour.  When she returned home, I was convinced she'd been violated.  Mother told me it was impossible because Mary's been fixed and unless coyotes held her little arms down, an unwanted dog assault simply could NOT happen.  [This thought disturbs Chris too.]

6.  I like to sneeze and poop.  Not at the same time.

7.  I spend too much time alone.

I promise to not do one of these again for a long time.  TMI and my filters are all distorted.  I apologize.  If you'd like to participate, consider yourself tagged.  Go!