Thanks, Punk Rock Dad.


I had a couple of posts in mind for this morning, but they'll have to wait.  Punk Rock Dad gave me an award and I'm sincerely flattered.  He's a cool person and I'm a dork. 

You might be wondering why such a "cool person" would be passing out an award graphic with a hat/purse/little-dog wearing girl on it.  It really isn't his style.  BUT, because he's secure in his masculinity, and is a bit of a Renaissance man, he graciously accepted, posted and forwarded this cute little stamp.  He also created a new version of the award that has a different "F" word in it.  I'm no prude - I actually battle impulsive potty-mouth -  but, I'm choosing to go with the nancy-boy version.  My nominees may choose to display the newer, hipper, PRD-stylized award, found on his site.

THE RULES (*gag)  *PRD's word, not mine.  I LOVE rules.

1. You have to pass it on to 5 other fabulous blogs in a post.

2. You have to list 5 of your fabulous addictions in the post.

3. You must copy and paste the rules and the instructions below in the post.

Instructions: On your post of receiving this award, make

sure you include the person that gave you the award and link it back to

them. When you post your five winners, make sure you link them as well.

To add the award to your post, simply right-click, save image, then

“add image” it in your post as a picture so your winners can save it as

well. To add it to your sidebar, add the “picture” widget. Also, don’t

forget to let your winners know they won an award from you by emailing

them or leaving a comment on their blog.

Because it says list 5 of your fabulous addictions, I guess that means I can leave the shitty, life-shattering ones off the list.  Whew.

Five Fabulous Addictions:

  1. All Bran.  I eat All Bran almost every day, sometimes twice.  Prepare yourself for TMI once again, but I love to have a good BM.   EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

  1. Retin-A - It really works.  I've been using it for a year now.  My age spots are fading and my skin looks a little smoother.

  1. Hand Lotion - I get dry-hand anxiety if I don't keep lotion on my hands.

  1. Order - Punk Rock Dad teasingly said I couldn't list "cleaning" as

  2. an addiction.  I wouldn't say cleanliness is my problem though.  I can't relax when there's clutter in my space.  Order soothes me.

  1. Coffee, Wine, Cheese, Bread, M&Ms and Taco Bell Mild Sauce

Five Fabulous Bloggers:

  1. Sherri at Oh. Hey. Hi! - She's crazy smart, strong, funny, and I'm thrilled to call her my friend.  I anxiously await her posts.

  1. The Demigod - He's soooo entertaining, and VERY good looking, plus he lives where my mother lived as a child.  I heart you Pumpkin/Buttercup/Mustang Burn!

  1. Decoy Betty - This gal with the curliest hair I've EVER seen, should be doing homework instead of blogging... but I adore her posts.  She makes me feel young again...

  1. Tinsenpup - She's a gritty Maya Angelou.  Check her out, and snoop around her sidebar links.  Good stuff.

  1. The Floydster - A woman who's on a life adventure right now.  Surviving and blogging.  Cool.

Thanks again Punk Rock Dad.  Off to eat my All Bran...