You can call me Ray. Or you can call me Jay...

My good friend T doesn't like the boys' contrived nicknames - "too dog like" he says.  He agrees with Chris that I shouldn't use their real names.  Once again, for the three of you reading this blog, I'll be changing their names.  I think I'll ask them today what they'd like their blog names to be.  Chris and I thought of a couple of descriptive nicknames, but the over-analytical mother in me doesn't want a boy to think because we refer to one as, say, "Professor", that they each don't have a scientific mind at times.  I know, over thinking...

Coincidentally, boys just came downstairs to say good morning.  I asked them what they'd like their Internet names to be.  Ironically, oldest boys says, "Mr. Science", and middle boy says, "Mr. Artist". 

I said, "What about Professor?" - oldest boy jumped on it. 

Then I said, "What about Picasso?" 

"No way," says middle boy.  "I don't even like Picasso, plus he was crazy.  He cut off his ear and sended it to someone.  You can call me Van Gogh."

The youngest Ross boy doesn't get it. Oldest boy just asked if he could be called Einstein.

Right now, I'm thinking Frasier, Niles and Kramer...

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