What's our vector, Victor?

The first entry in my 2011 journal...


I also have specific writing goals, as well as general/specific personal and family goals.  I don't feel the need to share here, but Chris has reviewed my lists and has agreed to be my accountability partner. 

NOTE:  If you show me yours, I'll show you mine.  Email me.  I've always been a good cheerleader.  I may not be able to do the splits or a Herkie any longer, but I'll pull a hammy trying.

The last few months of 2010 I didn't blog much.  Pretend the following are appropriate-length, funny, moving, entertaining [with attached photos and/or video] blog posts:

  • Got my braces off. [Pictures to come in a future post.]

  • Finished writing a book.  [I'm waiting to hear from a publisher and considering the next step.]

  • Dealt with a health issue.  I'm going to live but am recovering from numbness on my right side.  [Seriously.  I totally had an MRI of my brain, and was able to prove to Chris that my mind is perfectly healthy... and genius.]

  • Celebrated my sons' birthdays.

  • Chris and I cranked out another one, completing our 21st year of marriage.

  • Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas -- check, check, check.

  • Maintenance of relationships was poor, but real friends/family/people understand.


The five-year-old boy has already accomplished a 2011 goal.  He learned to whistle.  He's usually the last person in our house to wake up in the morning.  He likes to creep down the stairs and startle me.  I allow this to happen even though I hear his bedroom door open and feel his little presence behind me.  And now I have to pretend I don't hear him whistling from the time he lifts his head off the pillow until he reaches the bottom of the stairs.


I'll share the summary and affirmation paragraph from the Twenty-Eleven Goals entry in my journal.  You have permission to roll your eyes, remind me of my words when I bitch about them, join me in the cheesefest, or... nothing.


I've decided to add one more specific goal to my personal list.  I'm going to teach the 5YO boy to whistle with his two fingers in his mouth.  Just watch.

Happy New Year.