Regular People
So many ideas swirling in my head - what to write about - how much to share about the past and present. I read other blogs, articles in magazines, lots of books and feel stupid for thinking about pushing any words into the public eye, let alone doing it. There are so many talented, pedigreed people with impressive vocabularies, story telling abilities, published "stuff" and awards. Recounting a conversation or event that happened is one skill set - but to develop and tell a story created in one's mind is - I believe - a gift. I don't think I have that gift. I think one of my son's does though. It awakens him in the night - the need to just "get it out" on paper. He's eight.
BUT, I, one of the "regular people" will not be discouraged by these thoughts. I will continue to write and share, things from the past, the present, even a few things made up in my own head. I'll try not to be too self-indulgent, annoying, or narcissistic, recognizing that a little of each of these traits will come through on any blog.
The first time I realized a boss of mine - a smart, educated, wealthy, conventionally successful man - was really one of the "regular people", I felt empowered, but not in an elitist way - in an equalizing way. I spoke with Dad about this. He simply said, "They're all regular people." And we are.