Dear George Lucas

Middle Boy [9] wrote a letter to George Lucas recently...


The poor kid wrote the letter in early March, but for some reason it took me until late April to mail it for him.  When I finally sent his letter and drawing to Mr. Lucas, I enclosed the following note...


Chris and I crossed our fingers and hoped, someone... anyone... would acknowledge Middle Boy's efforts.  We explained to Middle Boy that George Lucas, not unlike Santa Claus, has lots of helpers and probably can't personally reply to every piece of mail he receives.

A few days ago, a special, large envelope from Lucasfilm Ltd. arrived.  I don't know who was more excited in our house -- the boys, or Chris and I.  [Click on the image to enlarge.]


A few pieces of Lucasfilm Ltd. swag were included, and Middle Boy handled the content of the letter with surprising maturity.  He said he understood why they needed to protect themselves... said he "knows the feeling" because of his chapter book idea.  [Middle Boy won't even allow Chris or me to view some of his movie or book ideas.  You never know who will steal a good idea, he says.]

He was thrilled with receiving anything from a George Lucas employee.

The original envelope, letter and artwork were returned... but the envelope had been opened, and it was obvious his "unsolicited submission or idea" had been read and reviewed.  If an Auquatrooper shows up on The Clone Wars series?  That's our boy!